We Are AgeSong Newsletter March 2013
We Are AgeSong Newsletter February 2013
AgeSong Institute Journal, vol 14.3, Academic Year 2011-2012
- The Flow of Things by Steve Polivka, LakeSide Park Intern
- Journey Through Life by Stephanie, San Francisco Intern
- Meet Ms. Olive Beatrice by Steven Pappas, Assistant Clinical Director
- Back On My Feet Again by Lucille, Hayes Valley Care Resident
- Flying Fortress by Robert, Laguna Grove Care Resident
- Snow Globe by Fred, Hayes Valley Care Resident
- My Private Lands by Alan Bowers, San Francisco Intern
- Yoga’s Tree by Rebecca, Hayes Valley Care Resident
- Peachy by Grace, Laguna Grove Care Resident
- In Memory of Eva and In Memory of Merci by Steven Pappas, Assistant Clinical Director, SF
- Now You’ve Got It and Surviving by Ruth, Bayside Park Intern
AgeSong Institute Journal, vol 14.2, Academic Year 2010-2011
- In The Client’s Chair by Shannon Hagan, PsyD. Practicum
- A Sestina for an English Teacher by Sarah Dardick, MFT Trainee
- Fernando the Poet by Amy Swart, MFT Trainee
- One Verbal Session With An Older Client by Lucy Istomina, MFT Trainee
- Poetry by Antonia Airozo and Sarah Dardick, MFT Trainees
AgeSong Institute Journal, vol 14.1, Academic Year 2010-2011
- From Where I Sit – Part II by Suzanne Fried, M.A., MFT, Clinical Director, AgeSong at Lakeside Park
- In Their Own Words by AgeSong Institute Interns
- Walking the Path with Our Wise Elders by Nina “Anin” Utigaard, MFT, REAT, Clinical Trainer and Supervisor, AgeSong Institute