News, Events & Articles
Introduction to Elders Academy: Eldership Education for the Second Half of Life
Friday, Feb. 22 | 4:00 PM- 6:00 PM
Presenter: Nader Shabahangi AgeSong Founder & CEO
Forget-Me-Not Cafe
602 Hayes Street
San Francisco, CA 94102
Nader will introduce a new educational idea: teaching eldership to those who desire to grow into the role of the elder.
Elders Academy prepares us through education for the second half of life. Whereas societies have found ways to initiate us for the demands of our first half of life through educating us for adulthood and middle adulthood, we are often less prepared to face the second half of life. Here concepts such as retirement and golden years present a limited idea of the potential contained in our second half. Elders Academy re-establishes a truly important role which has been lost in the last few centuries of our industrialization: the role of the elder.
Read More on AgeSongToday
Toward a Poetics of Aging: A Different Understanding of Life
PCBC 50+ HOUSING FORUM: Moscone Center, San Francisco
Thursday, June 28 | 2:30PM – 3:30PM
As a culture and people we are ready to move beyond the nonsensical notion that the later and last years are declining years – years that are supposedly less valuable than those before. Too often, the “decline-metaphor” has permeated our culture; often visible to us, at other times entering our awareness in more subtle ways.
Dr. Nader Shabahangi offers a new, more complex and rich understanding of life and aging – a radical departure from the dominant paradigm that life is “fulfilled” the prime of life, at the highpoint of a career, or at the peak of one’s power. The Poetics of Aging recognizes that the poem called “life’s poem” finds its final stanza, its completion, only at the very end of life. Aging understood as such is an active process of becoming, learning and growing. We do not get old but grow old. Eldership is the apex of a lifetime of learning and experiencing, of struggle and concern, of being courageous and creative.
This fascinating session will move beyond the superficial, surface layers of what we perceive of “older consumers,” offering a more comprehensive view of aging and refreshing, new perspectives on community development and operations.
For Baby Boomers, Aging Is The Next Frontier
Laura Paull, Huffington Post | November 27, 2011
S.F. conference finds poetry, art, music in aging process
Steven Friedman, | November 23, 2011
Caregiving, Laced With Humor
Judith Graham, NYTimes | February 1, 2013
Successful and Schizophrenic
Elyn R. Saks, NYTimes | January 25, 2013
Kindness – a poem
Naomi Shihab Nye
The Generosity Paradox: By Giving We Receive, But By Taking We Lose
Smith, Christian and Hilary Davidson, | January 9, 2013
Ch.III Changing Balance Between Age Groups – World Population Ageing: 1950-2050
UN Dept of Economic & Social Affairs Population Division | 2002 World Assembly on Ageing
What Is Old Age For?
William H. Thomas, MD, Social Work Today | Vol #10.6(2010)
Get Wisdom: Moving Toward the Essential
Rabbi Dayle A. Friedman, | January 15th, 2013
The Renewal of Humanism in Psychotherapy: Summary and Conclusion
Schneider, Kirk J. & Alfried Längle, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
A European Perspective on the Position Papers
Kriz, Jürgen and Alfried Längle, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
Toward a Renewal of Personology in Psychotherapy Research
Robert D. Stolorow, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
The Humanistic and Behavioral Traditions: Areas of Agreement and Disagreement
David N. Elkins, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
Humanistic Psychology and Contextual Behavioral Perspectives
Steven C. Hayes, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
Humanism as a Common Factor in Psychotherapy
Bruce E. Wampold, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
The Renewal of Humanism in Psychoanalytic Therapy
Robert D. Stolorow, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
Humanism and Multiculturalism: An Evolutionary Alliance
Lillian Comas-Diaz, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
The Renewal of Humanism in European Psychotherapy: Developments and Applications
Längle, Alfried and Jürgen Kriz, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
The Renewal of Humanism in Psychotherapy: A Roundtable Discussion
Schneider, Kirk J. & Alfried Längle, Psychotherapy | Vol. 49.4(2012)
What Is God?: A Conversation with Jacob Needleman
Richard Whittaker, | December 19, 2009
Philosophy and Psychotherapy: Conflict or Co-operation?
Geoff Heath, The International Journal of Psychotherapy | March 2002
Interview with Peter Kingsley: Remembering What We Have Forgotten
Richard Whittaker, | May 21, 2011
Lessons in the Old Language
Matthew C. Bronson, Original Story | Oct 28, 2012
For Alzheimer’s, Detection Advances Outpace Treatment Options
Gina Kolata, New York Times | November 15, 2012
The Quantum Matrix[PDF]
Raphael Kellman, | October 25, 2004
Uniting Generations Provides Direction to Older Adults and Youth
Matt Perry, | November 4, 2012
How Do You Raise a Prodigy?
Andrew Solomon, NY Times Magazine | October 31, 2012
Visit Pacific Institute’s library of articles about aging.