Francesca Borgatta
Francesca Borgatta makes puppets and installations out of re-cycled materials. She has a B.A. from U.Wash., and an M.F.A. from S. F. State. She apprenticed with the Bread and Puppet Theater to make large puppets for public demonstrations in New York. She worked with Inter-Action Theater in London to build sets and make plays with young people on Adventure Playgrounds. As Artist-in-Residence (with grants from the California Arts Council), she developed multi-cultural arts programs for the schools. She presents her art in solo exhibits (Berkeley Arts Center, Studio One) and in co-operation with other artists (Rentsdorff House, Richmond Art Center). She designs art projects for schools and community centers working for the East Bay Depot for Creative Re-use. At Saint Vincent de Paul in San Leandro, she taught the staff to make sculptures from re-cycled materials, and presented an exhibit for the S.V.D.P. Oakland Center. She produced an inter-active exhibit with workshops in puppet-making at the Skyline College (2010). She continues to seek new materials to use with her puppets, and new ways to collaborate with people.